Tollsoft advises leading institutions globally on strategy and design for building and launching ecosystems around digital finance, tokenization of Real World Assets (RWA) and digital payment networks (FIAT, Coins, CBDC). With more than 10 years of expertise within blockchain based ecosystems for capital markets, a primary focus on establishing marketplaces using DLT to issue, manage, trade and settle tokenized assets such as private equity, mutual funds, real estate, structured products and carbon credits.

Representing more than 20 years in global capital markets and market infrastructure business spanning strategy, business development, product management and development lead roles. Prestigious awards as best public speaker, US blockchain patents granted, IDG digital project award, built and launched the Digital Assets Service at Nasdaq (blockchain powered cloudservice offering).

Services provided

Tollsoft is dedicated to support clients in understanding, properly engage and build digital ecosystems using cutting edge business models and technology


Tollsoft advises clients who wants to engage in digital financial ecosystems. Strong support and guidance to implement successful businesses built and integrated to the new digital world is at core of our competences.

Speaking Engagements

Tollsoft has 10+ years of speaking engagements and been awarded as FinTech speaker in the US. See examples of past engagements here.
Engage Tollsoft for a key note or panel participation at your next conference!

Business plan development

Tollsoft assists emerging and mature organisations and institutions in transforming their strategic direction into an integrated business and launch plan for the new digital future. Plans include payback analysis and ROI on a variety of timescales.

Strategic advisory

Tollsoft helps boards analyse, evaluate, and make informed decisions regarding strategic alternatives.​ We also assist C-suite teams with advisory and assistance in team management, setting strategic direction, and obtaining stakeholder buy-in.

Past publications and
speaking engagements

Tollsoft represents several years of experience and contributor as thought leader in the Digital Capital Markets arena with special focus into blockchain powered and tokenization eco-systems.

“Johan Toll whose expertise within blockchain and engagement in our project has been truly unprecedented and an invaluable addition to our work”

Isak Lejon and Hampus Carlsson

About Tollsoft

Tollsoft is an independant management consultancy firm, providing senior advisory and expertize to established and emerging corporations and instituitions.

Johan Toll

LinkedIn profile

Johan is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in global capital markets and market infrastructure. He has a robust background in strategy, business development, and product management, with a significant focus on pioneering the advancement of digital assets during his tenure at Nasdaq. Over the past decade, Johan has become a recognized authority in building global blockchain-powered businesses, providing senior advisory support to both established and emerging marketplaces.

In 2017, Johan achieved a significant milestone with the approval of his first blockchain patent in the United States. His outstanding contributions to the FinTech space were further acknowledged in 2018 when he was honored with the prestigious “FinTech Person of the Year” award in the US. This recognition highlighted his expertise, thought leadership, and successful involvement in various blockchain projects.

In 2019, Johan took a pivotal role in launching the Nasdaq Digital Assets Service, a comprehensive offering that addresses the entire lifecycle of digital assets – from issuance to trading and settlement for tokenized assets. Throughout his career, he has been a driving force behind notable blockchain initiatives, including collaboration with a major bank to establish a settlement platform for the Nordic mutual fund market and the development of a business and launch plan for a carbon credits marketplace.

Johan’s versatile skills are evident in his successful track record as a strategist, manager, business developer, product manager, and project leader. Beyond his professional achievements, he is also an influential thought leader, contributing to numerous articles and publications that advance the discourse on blockchain-powered businesses.

Extended team and partners

Tollsoft has access to a large network of additional senior executives and advisors that can complement Tollsoft services with additional expertize and services as required.

Tollsoft has long relationships and successful trackrecords working with senior expertize in Trading, Payments, Legal, Financial and Program management.

In addition, partnerships with larger established consultancy buraeus, blockchain companies and ISVs in the capital markets sectors can be leveraged.

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